Blue Items are Required
Last Name  First Name 
School  District 
E-mail  Display E-mail?   Yes No
Grade Level   Core Subject  
Lesson Title  Gallery 
Title of Artwork  Artist 

Artwork Background Information - Information that is listed with the artwork.

Lesson Overview - A brief description of the lesson.

Materials - list the supplies and tools for the activity.

Procedure - A simple numbered list that describes the steps. If students will be
reading the instruction, make sure that the reading level and vocabulary are suitable
for the age group.

Extensions - Alternative activities or activities that broaden the learning.

Web Sites - A list of internet URLs that students could use or teacher will need to
prepare the lesson.

Teacher Tips - Suggestions for the teacher to make the lesson successful.

Assessment - Include teacher observations, self-evaluations, class critique, grading

- Name, author, and ISBN # of reference materials.